Thursday, May 15, 2008

Having Children for the Glory of God

The title of this post is reflective of a sermon by John Piper entitled Marriage Is Meant For Making Children- Disciples of Jesus. You can do to the below website and either read the manuscript or listen to this sermon.

Listening to this sermon, reading some good books and listening to other preaching on this topic, I felt the need to write a blog about it. Our modern culture gives us a variety of reasons for marriage. These range from sex, company, emotional stability, financial security to many other reasons. Has anyone ever stopped to think that marriage is meant for making children. God designed a man and a woman to cleave togather and become one flesh for the purpose of making children. To further this point, the reason we need to make children is to make disciples of Christ.

We live in a world today where parents have neglected their Bibilical responsibility to teach and raise their children. They rely on Sunday School, AWANA and churches to teach God's word to their children. It's not the churches mandate or responsibility to teach your children about the Bible. It is the churches responsisbility to partner with parents to reach their children. The church and its pastors can be tremendous resource in aiding and supplementing the parental goal.

NAMB has a statistic out that more than half of SBC Christians never share their faith with anyone. You know how we can turn that number around, teach our kids about the Gospel. Take the time to disciple them, and help them become followers of Christ. If parents would do this, that statistic would be blown out of the water. The average American has 1.9 children. (I've never seen half a boy Paw, poor Horatio--- Andy Griffith Show reference). If the average American reaches their 1.9 kids with the Gospel, then the statistic will be covered more than half. On a side note, isn't it sad that the 1.9 kids that we are having is not even enough to replace the current population. If 2 parents have 1.9 kids, they are not even reproducing themselves.

Parents need to heed the words of Deuternomy 6, where is says that "we are to diligently teach these things to our children and our children's children." I urge you, take your responsibilty as parents seriously, let's invest in the lives of our kids for the sake of the Gospel.


jbro said...

Jason Hand, look at you. Wow, is that pretty little girl in the pic yours?! So precious! How is life treating you? You are in Danville? I live just outside DC now.

I see you are still in a pastoral role, no surprise. I pray that God blesses His ministry through you abundantly.

It's good to see you looking well, post more so I can catch up on you without even having to talk to you! Just kidding!

Sandy said...

Amen and amen. You have spoken/written the truth and the world needs to listen. Go Jason Hand! :)

Blessings from the Broomes. (The old ones!)